Fire Permits

Want to burn a brush pile or burn barrel? No problem. Simple fill out the appropriate form below, and we'll add your name to our records. Please remember to burn between 8 PM and 9 AM. Be ready to extinguish the fire if it starts getting out of hand, and light the fire in a spot without grass or debris. Your fire must comply with all MNR regulations, and as always it's your responsibility not to burn if there's a fire ban. If you have any questions, contact the Burpee & Mills Fire Department.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

*The Brush permit is valid for 7 days

Ministry of Natural Resources

Safe burning tips

Consider chipping or composting brush or grass before burning. If you must burn, make sure you know the rules and follow these tips to ensure you burn grass and woody debris safely.

Choose a safe time

  • burn during the coolest, dampest and calmest time of the day: 2 hours before sunset, or later
  • a fire is more likely to get out of control on a hot, dry or windy day
  • put fires out two hours after sunrise, or earlier.

Keep your fire small

  • small fires can be controlled by 1 person using hand tools and water
  • keep your pile of wood, brush, or wood by-products to be burned less than 2 metres in diameter and less than 2 metres high
  • an area of grass or leaves can be burned if the area is less than one hectare (2.5 acres) and the length of the flaming edge is kept to less than 30 metres (100 feet)

Choose a safe site

  • keep burning piles at least 2 metres from other flammable material so the fire doesn’t escape by running along the ground away from the pile or burn area
  • if burning an area of grass or leaves, make sure the area is surrounded by a fire-proof boundary, such as a road, wet ditch or ploughed ground

Stay with your fire

  • if you start a fire outdoors, you must tend the fire, keep it under control, and extinguish it before leaving the site
  • a responsible person must be present to tend the fire at all times, even if it is contained in an incinerator
  • keep adequate tools and water on hand to control the fire if it begins to spread

How to build a safe incinerator

Consider chipping or composting brush or grass before burning. If you must burn, make sure you know the rules. If you burn forest litter or woody debris often, build and use a good incinerator.

  • select a site at least 5 metres from anything that could catch on fire (e.g. trees, overhanging branches, buildings, piles of debris)
  • clear an area 2 metres around the incinerator down to mineral soil
  • use a metal barrel in good condition
  • a heavy metal mesh must be put on top of the incinerator with a mesh size of less than five millimetres to prevent the spread of burning embers
    • either hinge the mesh top or place a rock or brick on the mesh to keep it from falling off the barrel
  • Material burns more quickly and cleanly if the incinerator has good air flow
    • punch holes about 7 centimetres above the bottom of the barrel and a few more holes slightly higher
    • insert steel rods or pipes to support the material to be burned
  • keep a shovel, rake and water nearby
  • monitor any fire burning in the incinerator
  • burn only wood, brush, leaves or discarded wood by-products — no garbage

Put the fire out

If you start a fire, you are responsible for putting it out.

Since coals can smoulder for hours and hot embers and sparks can be blown by the wind:

  • dispose of used charcoal or ashes in a pit
  • drown hot coals thoroughly, stir them and drown them again until cold