Employment Opportunity

Looking to hire a Chief Building Official

Please see the Employment Opportunity tab under the Municipality tab for details.

Exciting New Opportunities


1. Join Renee Zilio on Tuesday, March 4, at 1:00 pm at the Burpee & Mills Community Hall. Renee is hosting an exercise class designed specifically for individuals aged 50 and over, focusing on improving balance, strength, and flexibility. 

Spaces are limited to ensure personalized attention so please call Renee at 705-210-8490 to reserve your spot of for more information.


2. Starting Wednesday February 12th guided exercise classes will be held at the Hall from 10am to 11am. The sessions will be held every Wednesday, are open to all ages and abilities and there's no charge to participate.


Welcome to Our Township!

On Beautiful Western Manitoulin Island

The Township of Burpee & Mills was established in 1997 with the amalgamation of the townships of Burpee and Mills, but the roots of both townships go back to the 1870s. As settlers came to western Manitoulin to create family farms, many of them landed right here in Burpee-Mills. About 330 people call our community home, and we're proud of the friendship we enjoy and the services we provide. Our volunteer fire department and recycling centre are two of the most obvious, but we've got more. Our municipal complex houses a large community hall, township offices, fitness room and gymnasium. Our outdoor ice rink doubles as a basketball court in summer.  We're proud of our community, we take care to make it a great place to live, and we welcome everyone. Click below to learn more about who we are, what it's like to live in Burpee-Mills, and to get the information you need.


Green road sign reading "Bailey Line Road".


South shore of Lake Huron with boy looking at rocks.


Row of firefighting jackets, helmets, and gear